We are just days away from our annual AZ Goddess Conference and the energy is palpable. I look forward to this weekend all year. This year I am especially grateful for the love and support that the women always bring to this gathering.
But what does it mean to recognize ourselves as a Goddess?
In ancient Greece there were many Goddesses that were worshiped and revered. Some you are familiar with such as Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, Demeter, and Persephone. Each one with her specific domain to oversee. Goddesses reigned over relationships. Highly spirited, they could be quite brutal if crossed and were not averse to seeking revenge if wronged.
Modern day Goddesses oversee many domains; work, family, friends, etc. Today’s Goddess reigns over everyday life and works to find balance in all things.
The modern-day Goddess is on a journey to discover and access her divine power. Her essence is a bright light that shines forth to empower others to shine their light. She understands she is a unique and special human being. So she wisely surrounds herself with people who have the ability to see her greatness and who she can relax and let down her guard with.
When it comes to relationships, she has higher standards than mere mortals. She is seeking soul connections.
Today’s Goddess is a wonderful, warm, and loving human being striving to evolve and grow while on her life’s journey.
She is a woman who has a presence, who radiates an inner light that can sometimes attract and sometimes intimidate others. Above all, she is who she is and doesn’t make apologies for it.
A modern-day Goddess knows that she is part of God/Source/All that Is. She is comfortable with her I Am. She works to integrate yin and yang, feminine and masculine energies. She embodies strength, sex appeal, and intelligence. She isn’t above others but it very much at peace with herself and values herself to the extent that she designs her own destiny.