Yesterday we celebrated 8 years of full moon Labyrinth walks. Our little Labyrinth in the desert has hosted 3223 people for those full moon walks. Numbers that all blow my mind. Creating sacred space where people feel inspired and empowered has long been a dream of mine.
I’ll admit….it hasn’t been easy. There was a time when I was afraid no one would come. They came. I was afraid they wouldn’t like what I offered. Still they came. I was afraid they would find out I didn’t know what I was doing. They came anyway.
Together we have grown. Relationships have blossomed. Hurts have healed. Love has been given and received. This community, my tribe, has given me the biggest gift of all….a place to follow my dreams. Along the way I have learned these lessons:
Learn to Laugh – Enjoy where you have been, where you are and where you are going. Embrace the challenges you face along the way and cherish the memories you make. Remember that what you see in life depends mainly on what you look for. Celebrate the simple joy of living and open your heart to all life holds for you.
Learn to Listen – Take time to slow down and be still; for sometimes it’s only in silence that you can hear your own heart. Listen to the wisdom it whispers and remain true to your destiny. Don’t be afraid to admit when you are lost, because sometimes it’s only by becoming lost that you can finally discover who you are and what you want from life. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and be brave enough to become the person you were meant to be.
Learn to Let Go – Allow your heart to heal from past hurts. Forgive failures and resolve regrets. Celebrate what was risked or attempted, improved or accomplished and recognize that those who make no mistakes rarely make anything else either.
Learn to Love – Make commitments to what’s important to you. Take risks for the things that truly matter. Remember love is not just something you feel, but the things you do. Give others the very best you have to offer, and leave the world a better place for what you have done and who you’ve been.
Learn to Live – Don’t be afraid of growing, changing or living your life. No matter where you go or what you do, the true joy of life lies in the journey, not the destination. Search for your purpose, seek out your passions and do what you love. It’s not how long you live, but how you choose to live the days you are given, so choose to make the most of every opportunity you receive.
So whatever your dream is, don’t give up.