Natural Skin Care

When you read the ingredient labels of commercially prepared products for skin care you are often confronted with a long list of chemicals with names you can’t pronounce, artificial colors, synthetic scents, stabilizers and preservatives.  Frequently the labels attempt to seduce you with promises of eternal youth and beauty.  Does anyone really believe that? Instead […]

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Panic Attack

There were some warning signs. They started about a week or so before. It was subtle at first, getting frustrated easily, annoyed at trivial things, slowly becoming more physical, tightening of muscles, difficulty breathing. It escalated to depression and full-blown fatigue. The energy was working its way through all my dimensions. I was aware it […]

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Energy Therapy

Energy therapy is a term used to refer to a variety of alternative and complementary treatments based on the use, modification, or manipulation of energy fields. According to Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel laureate in Medicine: “In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” The language of energy is one […]

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4 Cleanse Myths Debunked

Thanks to much of what we hear in the media, cleansing has earned a reputation for being unhealthy and even unsafe. When you hear the word “cleanse,” do you immediately think of all-liquid diets, expensive supplements and short-term deprivation for short-term gains? The truth is, a cleanse doesn’t have to involve any of the above—and […]

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